HazelBailey's Diona Application

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HazelBailey's Diona Application

Post by HazelBailey »

Discord Name: Crashinator08#8358

Byond Name: Crashinator08

Jobs/Races you are applying for: Diona

Name of the character you intend to be using (Makes it easier for us to recognize and log): Glory-of-the-Snow (Was originally called "Solar Winds Blowing Through the Deep Reaches of the Cosmos", but a crew member on their flight to Nanotransen started calling them this after a flower on his home planet, Earth. The name stuck with the rest of the crew, and eventually, the Diona itself)

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: Glory-of-the-Snow was originally part of a gestalt sitting inside of the photosphere of one of the stars in the Epsilon Ursae Majoris system.  A Nanotransen Vessel docked in the habitation module on their gestalt, and they, wishing to learn more about other sentient races, requested to join the crew on their return trip.  The crew was more than happy to agree, and the Diona soon left with said crew.  During the time Glory-of-the-Snow spent with the ship's crew, they acquired their new name, as well as became well liked by the crew.  Due to their intelligent nature, Glory-of-the-Snow found themselves assisting the crew with their personal problems, someone would regularly come to them, seeking advice, with, after some time spent thinking, would be met with a response that would satisfy the issues that the crew member came to the Diona with.  They were also very adept at caring for the ship's plants when they weren't dealing with crew problems.  Upon arriving at Nanotransen Central Command, Glory-of-the-Snow was hired on as a Psychologist, due to their time sent on the ship serving as a shoulder to cry on. They were then shipped out to work on the Adephagia, where the eagerly await their arrival for their first shift, and the many cultures to be learned about on station.

Summarize the species, as evidence that you've looked into it: A hivemind composed of plants, similar to plants, they gain nutrition through photosynthesis.  Typically exist in two states, a cat sized worm/cricket like creature called a nymph, that sucks blood from other creatures to eventually grow into it's second state, a mass of plant matter that is vastly intelligent, and tough as nails, but slow to act.  They are peaceful, and tend to emulate other sentients around them.  Commonly refer to themselves as "we" or "us" instead of "I" or "Me" due to their hivemind like nature, though they can be trained to use singular pronouns with enough effort.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server's rules: Whitelist revoked, privilege to apply for other races/jobs revoked, possible server ban if the offense if severe enough.
Last edited by HazelBailey on Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: HazelBailey's Diona Application

Post by Improvedname »

Good catch of the lore,
Good backstory i quite like it as its quite touching in a way
Qaulity player too
You have my +1

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RE: HazelBailey's Diona Application

Post by BlackMajor »

Seems aight to me.

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RE: HazelBailey's Diona Application

Post by Useroth »

Reasons have been already stated above, not all that much to add.

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