Xarnata RP server ban

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Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Xarnata »

BYOND Name: Xarnata

Reason Banned: Used Vore Mechanics without first checking for OOC Consent

Admin who banned:  Zellular

Length Banned: Permanent

Appeal Reason: While this ban was warranted, as I did not first look at OOC notes or ask them if they had objections to the use of vore mechanics to attempt to kidnap the proclaimed 'terrorist' and move her to a holding cell for interrogation, I would like to apologize to the player that had been wronged by this. I am normally used to other players having their vore mechanics panel turned off as to the people I normally RP with and use the mechanic for external holdings such as [arms] for interactions with others and save [stomach] for actual mice eating or the rare RPer who wishes such interactions. As such I shouldn't expect everyone to have these preferences set immediately and I apologize for assuming such was the case. If I am let back I will strive to ensure OOC consent is given before using the mechanics in such a way again without the express OOC consent, even if it leads to my character's demise in trying to attain it in the heat of the moment.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by StellarWolf »

While I wasn't too involved in what you did, and only really involved with the action beforehand...I will say that you got to have a bit of responsibility with whatever device you used to do as such, xarnata. I would assume you used the Director's Hand teleporter and accidently ingested them into your stomach, which caused a reaction. Just be more careful with this. Quite a few that won't hesitate to report things like this.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Izzy »

In discord #ss13-rp you added:
So the two were acting as apparently two people trying to  pull grand theft, get something dangerous and be shadey/borderline terrorists with apparently a Fuel-rod gun which made them hardcore potential threats. So I was in the maintenance next to them and trying to do a slight fear tactic interrogation towards the character. In the end I made a comment "You know what I do to HuT prisoners? I eat them." as a means to get them to fess up an try to not get a HuT  by compliance or just give up the location of the stolen goods. They started walking off, I went up to them , they stopped I said "No getting away meal" and used the teleporter to teleport them onto me. I waited a few seconds standing in place thinking that they had not gone into the stomach because I had never been on the holding end of the translocator, I did get nommed once through it so I didn't know if the outline was just showing where they were, or if it was showing them outside of me with the vore prefs set however Talia had them set  (To which point I was going to looc apologize for attempting and ask if they would follow to a place in science or security for holding, because when I try shit with vore I get hella embarrassed, even asking to use the arms holding). They started resisting  and said nothing at first, so I started moving towards the door out into surface 2 atrium by the janitorial office, they popped out, I stepped away, didn't try to put them back in, they made an looc comment and left, I moved a small bit away from the scene there and sat down in place waiting for any reprocussions stating I felt a 'stress coma' coming along. I didn't try to deny it, because after the bwoink I did check the ooc notes and in my appeal I made sure to put in there my apology to the player at any discomfort it might have brought.
While usually for mistakes when it comes to OOC prefs, a suitable slap on the wrist is all we need to give, but this situation is a fair bit more than that. While I personally don't think a perma-ban is perfectly suitable, some of the additional details reveal that as well as an accidental OOC pref break, this could be viewed as using vore for a combat advantage. Using an "arms" vore belly for moving people of interest is essentially subverting the usual game mechanics to instead use the vore mechanics, which can allow you to indefinitely hold someone without chance at escape. If you have any additional info about how you use these vore bellies in game, it would be greatly appreciated.
While I'm not the banning admin nor involved in this round, (so I may be using imperfect information), I would personally suggest not a permanent ban, but a very  well-earned duration instead, up to Zellular or the head admins.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Xarnata »

My vore settings for my four bellies are all set to the default as all my scenes thus far have only been consensual scenes and have never had to factor in escape chances, as any resistance IC or through the use of "They do not look tasty" results in a release from the vore mechanics. This situation was the first of it's kind where it was used with any dubious or malicious intent (To capture a self driven antagonist). Upon their escape no further attempt was made to put them back in, hoping they would have made an RP post of escape, or having expressed looc complaint when I stood in place after capturing them initially.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Xarnata »

Shameless bumping in hopes to get this matter resolved.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Ragolution »

You use your first line of this appeal to say 'the ban was warranted'. What are you hoping to accomplish, here? Reduce the ban? Remove it? I'd like to hear it from you personally.
Last edited by Ragolution on Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Xarnata »

I would ask for leniency based upon the ability to change and improve. I was told to appeal when I had better understanding of OOC consent, in which I have had, but had slip from my mind to check with at the immediate time with the situation and poor decision making. I understand that which I did wrong and strive to avoid doing such in the future at all costs. I am not who I used to be back during my stints in the main server with power gaming, playing to win. I came to the RP server to do just that, RP, away from the need to 'win' at something. In this incident I assumed that an action had OOC consent by lack of vore mechanical preferential settings and did not have it in my immediate mind to check for ooc preferences in the examination results as I viewed them as either an admin approved antag or a self-antagging visitor. It was wrong of me to assume this and should I be allowed to return it will not happen again, as I have been taking steps to improve my standing within the rules so that I can continue to RP with those I enjoy RPing with, and those who in the future I would also enjoy RPing with.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Vincent Airin »

Two things: First and foremost, as I have been noticing this among many of the appeals, Ragolution is NOT currently staff at the time being. Being such, I would like to remind you that while talking to them at the same time is not inherently a bad thing, do bare in mind that they do not have (At the time of writing) Authority on the matter at hand.

As for updates, given the course of events it is being actively discussed to reduce the ban length to a month. As a reminder, vore mechanics are NEVER to be used in any combat or emergency scenario pertaining to either fighting, ferrying space walks and the likes.

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RE: Xarnata RP server ban

Post by Zellular »

Considering the feedback and, general attitude of both myself at the time and now after this appeal. I will be reducing the ban length to a month after this appeal was posted. However, I'd like you to not simply wait out the ban, and rather reflect and read up on what you did wrong in the situation, and what you could be doing wrong in your round to round play. I appreciate that you took the ban well and understood where you went wrong, but you need to make these realisations before you make the mistakes.
Your ban will be lifted on the midnight between the first and second of January.

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