Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

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Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Riastlin »

I had just barely arrived as an assistant to find the station torn up from bombs, medical was completely demolished... a couple of officers were perma dead... and a whole slew of the station just utterly falling apart with people screaming at the Captain to stop fucking in his office.

I had thought we were allowed to bust in to see what's going on with the mob that built up outside of bridge and when the AI opened the doors to the Captain's office... Lo and behold, he had a bound and gagged naked chick in his office; the whole BDSM shpiel... on a fucking Amber with terrorists running about. With how the crew was screaming at the Captain, I thought I was allowed to arrest the Captain and drag him to brig.. since I had an ID off of a perma dead officer I was gonna deliver to sec before the mob frenzy started. I then was contacted by Riolu in the middle of a fight as the clown pulled out a Desword and started attacking, I stopped the clown and saved the captain because that was going too far... unsure if the clown was an antag or not.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by LittleRiolu »

Hello Riastlin, and thanks for making this appeal.

So what happened that sparked the whole "The Captain is ERP'ing in his office" thing, was the Clown. The Clown got brainwashed by a traitor Medical Doctor through surgery and made some thermite. He used this on the reinforced wall on the right side of the Captain's office, just to see them and the straightjacket'd tigress, where he announces this over comms. A bunch of people storm the Bridge from the right entrance and the Captain walks out of his office to see what the ruckus is about. Someone knocks him down (I think this was you, but I don't remember very well after this point, this is where I started messaging you), a few people punch the Captain once or thrice while the Clown goes ham on them with an E-sword which the Medical Doctor gave them. The Clown slips on a banana, you tug the Captain away, run to the left side of the Bridge and slap a pair of cuffs on them before they were dragged away by someone (which I think was a security officer) to safety.

The problem is that you didn't know if the mutiny is authorized or not. Usually when it happens, CentCom will most, if not, all the time announce the go-to mutiny to allow the crew to detain the Captain, in which where the security team usually does this. You just went off with the Clown's word, which was an antagonist at that time and ended up successfully detaining the Captain after they received a soft beating by everyone whilst the Clown got some good hits with their E-sword. Now that the Captain was in cuffs, if it wasn't for that certain someone quickly running away from the mob with them, I'm pretty sure that the Captain would die from just the Clown alone.

We have rules on mutiny. It's mentioned in Rule 8 and in Command Policy. If you read through the points of "When is mutiny okay?" under Command Policy, the very last one says that you need permission from an admin, which is the nature of this note. While some other people could also be messaged about this, I decided to focus on you since you downed the Captain with gear you looted off an officer, almost helping the Clown reaching his objective.

I also checked if the Captain did any of this "ERP" the Clown screamed of and I found nothing on the Captain's say and emote logs. They also got a note for attempting to ERP on a blue shift, because it was pretty obvious they were trying. The Captain was hilariously slow in wrapping his scene up, but I don't think that's an excuse to what you did. If you want a mutiny staged, you should always adminhelp it no matter what, or, at least know that one has been allowed by an admin. That's what the note is about.

If you have anything else to add, feel free to reply. Otherwise, I do not feel that this note should be changed or removed.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Riastlin »

I was wearing the perma dead security officer's loadout because I was returning it to sec. I was the one who dragged the captain away to safety because I was taking to security and away from the mob so they can get proper treatment to what was seen as horrible negligence.

I was also the one who baton'd the clown into stamcrit and I think had them cuffed as well... because I thought that was going too far or they were an actual bad person

And like I said, I just arrived after everything was going to shit. I had no knowledge if the mutiny was already approved or not since well... everyone was piling on the doors. I think if you checked the logs that round, I joined as assistant like two or less minutes before the situation went down with me cuffing the Captain

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by LittleRiolu »

That's the point. You attempted mutiny without knowing, got noted because of it and that's all what the note is based of. You shouldn't jump the gun the second someone screams about something. If you arrived late and see a lynch mob inside Bridge, you shouldn't assume that you should join in right away unless you know about the situation.

Note is still going to stand. I know you had good intentions trying to control some of the situation by stamcritting the Clown, but again, it doesn't excuse the fact that you still went out of your way to detain the Captain other than the assumptions from the Clown.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Lamb »

I was one sec officers this round and I caught the captain with the women who had a straight jacket on her in surgery maint, I talked the captain about the situation and he told me to literally fuck off. While being underequipped, no HoS and missing warden. I proceeded to still do my duty but antags having all access and riot shield from HoS office ended up being my own demise, since HoP decided to SSD at the main hallways. Security was dead, captain still ignorant and didn't wanted to help me when needed it. The whole station was at disarray, HoP and Captain both not doing anything or accepting responsibility of the chaos, I personally think what they did was normal for crew to do for a captain who decided to bat a blind eye on the whole round while everyone was counting on him to do his job while he was busy and preparing to ERP to some BDSM chick with a straight jacket.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Lamb »

I personally think even if the clown was mindslaved he saved the round to escalate further since he gathered a mob and they managed to call the shuttle after they put some sense to the incompetent captain who clearly has his priorities at wrong order.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Redtail »

You /say/ that mutiny’s are announced. However, I’ve mutineed twice against captains and neither time was announced. If the captain has been tied up like what has been claimed, and hasn’t been responsive to coms, I’d say yeah mutiny’s fine in that case. Especially if there are confirmed traitors running around. Sure, Feasel shouldn’t have trusted the /clown/ of all people but context and everything. I’d argue that the note should be changed or removed because uh, yeah, there isn’t much of a way Feasel could have known at the time that the clown was an antag. That’s a little unfair to expect. At the very least I’d push for the note to be changed and lowered in severity. I’d argue that being tied up and handcuffed DEFINITELY constitutes ERP.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Riastlin »

It was not only the clown I listened to but the crew and mob that was at the door as well... it was pretty fucking awful.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Izzy »

I think we're a bit off track here. Whether or not the mutiny would have been considered valid in character isn't the issue. I'm sure it entirely would have been let pass, even.
The note, however, is just a reminder about our rule on double checking with admins that a mutiny is acceptable. A simple "I want to perform a mutiny on the captain because X and Y reasons" is all you need. In this case it would have very likely been responded with a "go for it", just the fact that we didn't receive the request is what the reminder's for. It's similar to how we request heads of staff to give us notification before they leave the round.
To Redtail, mutinies are almost never "announced" per say. It's simply the question/answer via ahelps, and off they go. No announcements from central command are needed, and no finicky in character forms or requests are needed.
Whether Riolu changes the wording and details of the note is still up for discussion, just keep in mind that the topic here is just regarding the "When is mutiny okay?" section in our command policy.

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Re: Main - Note - Mutiny on Captain

Post by Riastlin »

I had kinda thought it was already approved or something with just how many people were breaking down the door and just how utterly incompetent the captain was.... like I said, HE WAS FUCKING IN HIS OFFICE WHILE WE HAD SO MANY PERMA DEAD OFFICERS AND MEDBAY GONE FROM BOMBS!!! Like the actual living fuck.... I did protect the captain from anyone who tried to attack since he was to be arrested and shit but just. Bro.


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