[higi]Discord ban

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[higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

Hello, I'm sorry if you are reading this after I have been proofreading and wondering why it took me so long to do or why this is where I wanted to make sure people knew I had proofread now since I'm making sure I reach their standards.
Last edited by higiro on Thu Oct 17, 2019 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

Discord account name: higi

Banning admin: Bhijn

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long): Due to what is claimed here http://citadel-station.net/forum/viewto ... 5596f19abfa I would foresee that they plan to keep it permanent.

Ban reason: again explained here http://citadel-station.net/forum/viewto ... 5596f19abf

Your side of the story: I had just seen someone make a ban appeal around after I had made my own , and got near-instantly unbanned I would link but it appears this person has opted to remove the approved post so I can't put it up.
I got impatient I had thought maybe if made new account I could get into the game when I saw the ban come up I was at first well fine I'll wait until I have passed a week I was hopeful that they would see that I should be allowed back in but being I was stupid due to fact I had also felt a bit slighted that I had seen someone ban appeal after me get allowed back in right after plus I can sometimes not be the sharpest tool in the shed.

Instead of doing the smart thing which was waiting I let my stupid drive the wheel it led me to gain the ban from everything.

Normally I keep it fully under control though that day had been extreme most likely due to not only this whole ban fiasco going on all the pressure from Bhijns words but it might also have been triggered by fact the person who caused my abuse, or at least one them had started living near me they where asking for forgiveness like they use to do before they would harm me again.

I let stupid drive me I try to keep it in check plus I do read through my stuff while I have a calm mind in order to make sure it's not weird. it only starts to get bad when
I start just typing for too long then don't proofread that I get a mess.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Well I looked through rules for the reason I was banned off the game server however I have found one thing maybe few which might have put the admin in the wrong to give me type ban they did but this is only my understanding I can also prove to Bhijn who I from my side see as rude for how they have treated me in saying such things as I'm not my legal age they also said my typing, and reading is below theirs though I have scanned how I typed compared to them many times thus far.

I do however have a habit of using faces plus other things my typing is at about the same level as them if not a bit higher due to my style being the same as my mother of 80 though I'm sure that isn't really a case to help me in many ways.

I did, however, spend these three weeks looking at the rules of the server the one rule being ((Give new players the benefit of the doubt before banning and provide them with a stern warning; do not ban on their first offense unless they are an obvious griefer.
Adjust ban times based on severity and the contriteness of the offender.)) Which I will put in along with my ban appeal for getting back into the game server ,and I now can give valid proof I am the age I have said I am as well if you all need updated photos to prove that it is in fact real I shall be able to do that now.

Here is the photo sorry it took me more than the day that is marked to get this I couldn't find a good site till now to use.

https://serving.photos.photobox.com/313 ... 9539b7.jpg

I made this new one due to how I had cluttered the old one.
Last edited by higiro on Thu Oct 17, 2019 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

Not the banning admin, but still a member of the staff team who would like to comment on this. None of your links work. Even when I spliced them together, ignoring the ellipses, they still did not work. Not even gonna comment on your writing, cause it genuinely is very bad. I'd also like to question your use of time.
Normally I keep it fully under control though that day had been extreme most likely due to not only this whole ban fiasco going on all the pressure from Bhijns words but it might also have been triggered by fact the person who caused my abuse, or at least one them had started living near me they where asking for forgiveness like they use to do before they would harm me again.
If you're truly in an abusive situation, please, seek help. Why are you focusing your attention on some game, rather than improving your own life? I'd personally deny this with the argument, "Hey, dude. This? This is transient and won't last. This is a distraction from your real world problems you need to face. Stop worrying about some stupid game, and focus on bettering your situation."

But, I'm not Bhijn. So, I don't know what he'll say; I've said my piece. Have a good day.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

link broke when I reposted it, sorry it's an easy fix. As for why I can't due to my mental illness I'm unable to get a job let alone much help from anyone so to improve my life I play games to help cope with it this was a game helping me with that. I would also like to point out you say my writing is atrocious which is rude since I have spent these last few weeks reading other ban appeals, and discords of same standards as you all they are at this level or below in how they look I'm even making sure I have proofreader to help me so I know how bad they are compared to me.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

Even your own post has more mistakes in it than mine by what my proofreader says I'm using them to help me to improve.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

Plus they abused me years ago it's just they started living in the shed behind house due to restraining orders everywhere but a few places around where I live and my parents let them stay even though I told them no.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

as for my mental illness I have a few but mostly I'm fine I use to actually have a support system to help with all of it though it took them years to help me but I lost all of it within a week or less once I kinda had to do something in real life regressing all work I had done back to zero and my support structure fell apart and can't be rebuilt in case those wondering why I don't fix this.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

The mental illness doesn't always affect me in every way it just can cause some actions to be to my detriment a good portion time and most people have some type of mental troubles.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

plus I said I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed a lot of the time.

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Re: [higi]Discord ban

Post by higiro »

which could mean my mental problem might not be all that much but it effects me super bad who knows.


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