Tzer Xenohybrid Application

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Tzer Xenohybrid Application

Post by otrazehnie »

Discord name: peregrine#1352

Byond ckey: Tzer

Characters you currently play: None that are recognizable, I pop in every now and again but I wouldn't call myself a regular.

Job/Races you are applying for: Xenohybrid

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): Devana

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: Devana is not a natural born xenohybrid, and has no connection to the naturally formed civilization of xenohybrids on Dysterhet. She was born into the drone caste in a Nanotrasen Xenobio captive breeding program, genetically and surgically altered by Doctor Aleksei Valentinov to express xenohybrid traits. Doctor Valentinov gave Devana her name and took her into his care as equal parts daughter and ongoing experiment, an upbringing that left much to be desired, and one marked by perpetual isolation from her peers. She followed in her father's footsteps, blowing through secondary school and undergrad with top marks, earning her graduate degree in just eighteen months before taking her first internship with Nanotrasen under her father's auspices. Now, she's on staff as a research assistant in a far away installation, far from her father's influence. But without strong family ties or any connection to existing xenohybrid culture, she struggles with self-actualization and forming a fully independent identity.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Long ago a xenomorph hive was forced into isolation to recover from a brutal war. Prolonged isolation led to genetic mutation and the development of a culture and civilization more akin to other species than their hive-mind ancestors. Due to other species' violent history with xenomorphs and a problematic first contact, xenohybrids are accepted under the law but do not have a firm place in interstellar society. Artificial xenohybrids like Devana have also been created in corporate xenobiology labs using captive xenomorphs and newly gathered xenohybrid DNA as a template.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: Removal from the whitelist and possible banning. I know I'm not exactly a regular but I'm not here to cause trouble, I just want to play a character I think is cool and have fun on your server. :)

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Re: Tzer Xenohybrid Application

Post by Auraknight »

I'm hesitant to +1 any app that doesn't fill in all the fields- even if you don't think we'll recognize the characters you play, having something there is better then not. For a more... sparely populated whitelist like xenohybrid, I'm less against giving a +1 to occasional players, but I do worry about the capability of you, the player, to handle the outlook a few of the playerbase take on said xenotypes. I can't fully give this a +1, but it's not a -1 either.

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Re: Tzer Xenohybrid Application

Post by Jaybirdnerd »

Hello, Otrazehnie.

For my starter into my thoughts and opinions on this, I would have to simply say that it would be a good plan to become more of a regular before applying for this sort of race. If we have some recollection of who you are as a player, it tends to help with the application process as a whole and from there we can begin to get a general basis of who you are as a player before we can fully allow you to take on this whitelisted race.

This said reading over your lore for the character as well as your understanding of the race, I feel it would be applicable to allow you to be whitelisted for this race. You seem to know the ramifications of breaking rules under a whitelist as well as the basic lore for the character specie in question. The lore looks fairly decent as well, based off of what you've given us here at least, and it doesn't seem to give any major signs of red flags towards not allowing you into being whitelisted.

This said there is also still the question of you not really being a regular player that we've seen playing on the server as I've stated before, or at least I haven't seen you active. I do not feel keen on passing this on with a positive verdict considering that as a major factor here. I feel I should likely tell you to garner more playtime overall and from there re-apply to be whitelisted for this species, but again based around what you've given us and your understanding of the rules for whitelisted species I'm genuinely conflicted.

For now, as things stand, I believe honestly that if you've done this much research into it then regular player status be damned; I'm going to go with my gut and give you a +1 on this. That said, if you act out of line the role can be easily revoked.

I would personally not like to see this happen, and I genuinely do hope that even though you've fully stated what you've stated here that you can adhere to it and keep it that way. Again, my bias comes from the lack of playtime overall from what we've seen, and I genuinely do hope you don't let me down on this one.

Thank you for your application,


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Re: Tzer Xenohybrid Application

Post by Captain277 »

May as well see how things go!

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