[Bean Protean] ariever's Race Whitelist thingamabobbie

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[Bean Protean] ariever's Race Whitelist thingamabobbie

Post by areebur »

Discord name: Ariever#5985

Byond ckey: ariever

Characters you currently play: Misaan Caelum, Will Green, Megali Savra, Dryocampa Rubicunda, Murgles

Job/Races you are applying for: Protean

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): Misaan Caelum

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:

Misaan is a bit of a jumble. What started off as just an experiment on animal sentience very quickly turned into a ethically gray genetics operation: Making a line of genetically-modified animal-girls to be sold as workers to Nanotrasen. This company, which chooses not to announce their name to the public, follows genemod trends to make appealing lab-grown babies that are born with animal-like body parts and animalistic quirks that the general public find 'cute' or 'appealing'.

Misaan was more or less the 'pioneer' of their work, starting as a rare Guilmon-like xenofauna found on a rimworld near Epsilon Eridani. She was taken in as a genetically modified, hard-shell egg that hatched after 60 days of incubation. She had her sight, and was able to walk within two days. She hatched as a baby human-animal hybrid, one that looked like a human baby but with two winglets growing from the top of her fuzzy skull and a small nubby tail sprouting from her behind. She was raised by a volunteer foster mother, taught how to walk, read, and become a functioning member of society. She started going into the workforce at 16, worked for Nanotrasen at 18, and was transferred to Space Station Citadel at 20.

Once nanite technology advanced to the point it has, she was called back again to test a new race, "Protean". Her mind was uploaded onto a disk and her body was remade with nanites. After a month of acclimation to her new body, she was ready to go back to work and hopefully not chew a hole through the hull.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it:

Proteans are a sentient mass of nanites run by a central 'brain'. This brain's location varies but is shaped like a core, much like the Prometheans that Nanotrasen employs and slimes that are used in xenobiology. Much like slimes, proteans are inorganic. and made out of nanites, which. The difference is that instead of feeding on the genetic material of carbon organisms, proteans consume a mix of organic and inorganic material. They can eat meat and vegetable material, and it's used to provide energy to their multiple nanite components. The inorganic material usually consists of metal, glass and sometimes plastic in order to regenerate broken or worn-down nanomachines.

Some call proteans "synthetic humans", moreso than IPCs or the race synths that Nanotrasen employs. Instead of large metal parts, they're composed of cell-sized nanomachines, or "nanites". These nanites can be programmed by the central brain to do many things; Maintain a human-like shape, expand or contract, change color, excrete lubricant, produce a variety of smells. Certain conditions can occur that cause the protean to abandon it's common shape and color in order to morph into it's base state: A gelatinous shimmering black blob with a semi-permeable membrane. This mobile blob can thin itself to fit under nearly anything. On station they use this ability to crawl into vents and small spaces in order to go wherever they should need, but will still contain the memories and behaviors that it had prior. Usually this happens as a response to severe hunger, where their nanites don't have enough energy to maintain their form and collapse into this blob.

Nanotrasen employed proteans are, in all forms they may choose, sentient. Whether their level of sentience rival that of a logistics AI or a baseline human, they're sentient and should not be murdered in their blob form for the same reasons you don't murder your average co-worker.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?:
Nothing really; I'm not doing this to get any special treatment or grieff, or act much differently. Misaan usually works service or as a Morale Officer. It wouldn't surprise me if going into a blobby form to vent crawl to a client's location in order to dispense morale. Misaan already eats trash, so adding metal to her diet would definitely not be anything she wouldn't be alright with. Misaan, despite living that 'lab made monstrosity' trope like an Alabaman wears his sister, doesn't shove it down anyone's throat though extreme existential apathy, neither will she start to do that if I get this protean whitelist. She'll continue to be a small, bubbly, adorable young woman that chews on glass like it's a Werther's Original.

here's a blob bean
Last edited by areebur on Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Bean Protean] ariever's Race Whitelist thingamabobbie

Post by Blep-Lep »

Looks good imo, couple proofreading goofs here and there, but seems fine overall.

Gud bean

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Re: [Bean Protean] ariever's Race Whitelist thingamabobbie

Post by Cygnet »

Covered the basics, nothing far-fetched here either, I hope that you’ll be given the chance to play and enjoy your applied whitelist race.

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Vincent Airin
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Re: [Bean Protean] ariever's Race Whitelist thingamabobbie

Post by Vincent Airin »

Honestly, not too bad, however the whole angle of a dubious shadow group does make me cringe a bit. Not so much you in particular but it seems folks really love this worthless meat angle for back stories. If you downplay such tropes, keep it something as more a background filler than your whole identity, I see no issue with such. +1

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Re: [Bean Protean] ariever's Race Whitelist thingamabobbie

Post by mouseofthecake »

I'm confident you'll be a good bean with the whitelist, so, why not. +1

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Re: [Bean Protean] ariever's Race Whitelist thingamabobbie

Post by areebur »

pwease wook at mai app, im suffewing

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