[Tupinambis] Main Admin Application

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[Tupinambis] Main Admin Application

Post by Tupina »

BYOND ckey: Tupinambis
Character name: Cybil Bennet, Lambda Xi-Nu, quite a few others.
Discord username (+user id): Tupina#1837
How long have you played on Citadel?: Well over a year.
How long have you played SS13?: Well over two years.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: CT/Varies Widely, usually not morning.
Previous SS13 related admin experience: Moderator for Citadel ~1 month. Trial Admin for TGMC for ~1 month. Left due to personal issues.
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: N/A
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: N/A
Reason for application: Citadel is a server I am quite passionate about, and one I keep coming back to again and again. I want the server to be the best experience that it can be and I want to help with the process. I think main could use a lot more events to keep things interesting, and assistance in handling ahelps and access requests as they come in. I am very active and generally willing to observe, so I think I would be fitting for the role. Having the opportunity to improve the server and try my best to make the server as enjoyable for people as possible is my ultimate goal here, and while it certainly can have its challenges, I believe I have the patience and professionalism necessary to pull it off.

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
Depends on the sort of out of character altercation, but in general the first step is de-escalation and attempting to ask the players to either take it to DMs or just stop arguing. If that doesn't work, OOC tempbans may be warranted.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
Ask for another admin to step in if it all possible. If it's a situation that needs immediate rectification and involves obvious grief, exceptions can be made, but other admins should still be notified of actions taken regardless.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?
Context is key. Punishment should be determined by intent, what happened prior, how the rulebreaker responds to ahelps, the overall environment of the server/station at that time, the severity of the rule break, who fell victim to the rulebreak, and how much damage the rulebreak did. The more an admin knows the better and more effectively they can hand out punishments. Bans are naturally last resorts, but there are situations in which someone may be obviously acting with malicious intent, where harsh punishment becomes necessary. On the other hand, there are many situations that can simply be resolved by talking.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?
In the simplest terms, when an admin is not able to focus on administrating. This can be for a large variety of reasons, whether that be feeling ill or just not feeling up to it. The other time is when an admin wishes to play a round important role such as sec, command, or antag.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
Answer ahelps in a timely manner, help players where possible, try to curate an enjoyable experience, and act in a semi-professional manner. They are expected to act as a good example to other players both IC and OOC, and to be willing to communicate with staff and players alike. Overall, when an admin is an admin they should do their absolute best to display the best parts of themselves both IC and OOC in every aspect possible. Be decent, be respectful, and do what you can to make the server and enjoyable place to be.

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Joined: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:55 pm

Re: [Tupinambis] Main Admin Application

Post by Silicons »

closing. lack of support, and i don't think you are the right fit to return to the staff team at this point in time.

i feel like you're overreacting to perceived transgressions to yourself and without meaning to sound offensive are too unwilling to let go things that can be safely constituted as misunderstandings, stubbed toes, or even things that would be better off being left and walked away from instead of trying to get the last word in certain scenarios both ic and ooc.

i get you are trying to help. maybe if behavior and attitude improves we can revisit this at a later date. also, regarding ic behavior, it'd be nice if we can see consistency between the things you try to push for or have tried to push for and how you actually act in ic, because people who are too loose cannon-y and often get into problematic situations in ic without being able to de-escalate, well, it usually tells me a lot about how they might potentially act as staff.


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