Un-Ban request

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Un-Ban request

Post by Mr.Nikkoâ„¢ »

Byond name

Reason banned:Stole security equipment because 'Lunar was going on a rampage(which was FALSE,i assume they were looking just for an excuse to powergame)Was going to steal a loyalty inplant so they could use the loyalty guns which they stole from security,namely the .38 special from the DETECTIVE office
Admin who banned you:TalkingCactus
Lenght Banned:20160 minutes
Appeal reason :D idnt have time to explain what happened to Cactus(Internet went off)

First im going to start with what happened to the round
-I decided to play as a roboticist(Exu)
-From that everything was fine then Lunar performs her classic question
-Many people insult Lunar over the radio(Is from that i know something is going to go wrong)
-Security team was kinda incopetent at the momment only 1 officer
-I decide to try to help them to defend lunar
-Lunar goes and hides as usual,I ask where shes at
-Not a single response
-I start to get a feeling that she is getting attacked as i hear her saying help
-Sees her getting dragged to brig by a officer and a crowd behind her
-She is labor'ed and when she comes back i slowly follow her to medbay
-she tries to break in as no one opens the door for her then breaks the window to the medkits
-A doctor comes in an says some stuff that i dont really remember but after it the doc attacks lunar with a crowbar(Perhaps from what she done to the windows)
-I decide to save Lunar from the doctor even tho she was kinda wrong
-Lunar says''Thanks Exu you're a hero (Mission accomplished for me)
-I put the doctor on a straight jacket and starts asking her why she was attacking lunar
-She talks to me a bit in Looc and then i decide to free her
-As i walk of medbay i knew i had to be competent and be a better security enforcer as the one officer was having trouble fending the people off
-I walk into brig to ask if i could get that job and on my way i find a shoulder holster on the ground(Might come in handy)
-I couldn't get into brig so i went to see a head didnt see any tho
-From that part i kne wi had to make law myself and save lunar from being attacked by a group of angry people so i tried to get a stunning weapon
-Meanwhile a scientist makes a statue and many other xenos
-The statue goes free and people start attacking it
-Dridya starts RPing with the statue and attacks whoever touches it
-RD starts Attacking it with an axe and Dridya attacks him back
-He dies from the strange looking toolbox
-I get his id and i do something that could reinforce security
-I try getting in hop to make people officers so lunar and the crew feels and be safer
-No acess
-Then i try getting a stun weapon and defense so i dont get hit by people who were attacking lunar when i help her
-I grab a security gas mask,stun prod and armor every security or wanna be security needs.
-I try getting into armoury so i could get a ranged weapon but i gave up
-While i patch up i hear lunar screaming.
-I run to many departaments and the last one i went was church and many people were over the mass driver
-from that point i thought lunar got spaced but i still looked from her and asked where she was
-I get some clue of she was near the mining station in a closed that was spaced by the driver but i dont act yet
-Admins remove my stuff
-i try to explain that i was trying to help lunar and security all the time
-Internet Fails
-When i try to get in again it shows the ban message

From that little resume you might know what happened that round

The appeal is how a security officer gear like a gas mask,armor,is considered powergaming?A basic sec officer set and about the .38 it has rubber bullets and doesnt even shoot!

Also by the Lunar was on a rampage i was quite nervous when i was writting my reason to get such normal security gear.

Anyways i apologize for the little powergaming i thought i didnt do and for breaking some brig windows like the one near armory

Next time i will leave it to security even if they are not doing their job right,Thank you if you have read this far.

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RE: Un-Ban request

Post by TalkingCactus »

Request denied. Take this time off to cool down and reevaluate your consistent power-gaming. You were also handed 5 tickets for this instance from a repeat offense.
Learning a bit of grammar would also help too.

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